Saturday, January 3, 2009

making my own yogurt

So, in a constant effort to reduce my carbon footprint, I analyzed my habits, and determined that those little plastic yogurt containers are the next thing to go in my life. So, I have my first batch of 'make-my-own' yogurt sitting on a heating pad, attempting to curdle. I hope this works! And that it taste good. I'll report back tomorrow when I can taste the results of this little science experiment.

if I can make my own yogurt, here's what I figure I save:
5x50(weeks)=250 plastic containers that won't go into recycle anymore.
10 additional half gallons milk container that goes into recycle, but can also be reused at my house (watering plants, gardening...)
250x$.5=$125 dollars not spent each year buying yogurt
$1.25x10=$12 spent buying milk to make similar amount of yogurt each year

Maybe I can find someplace that sells milk in cardboard containers instead of plastic.


Maggs said...

Wow, milk is cheap back on the mainland. Isn't making yogurt easy? I've never done the dollar savings calculation, I should though.

cheryl said...

yes, it is easy! I just transfered it from the 7 hours of sitting on a heating pad to the refrigerator, so I'll know in the morning how it tastes. It pretty much looks like yogurt already. Thanks so much to you for blogging about it and getting me to try it myself.

Reepsy said...


My name is Michael, and I am the creator of the Homemade Yogurt website you referenced. Thanks so much for trying the recipe, and spreading the word.

I just discovered a brand of milk here in VA (distributed out of PA), that uses glass bottles. You pay $2 for a deposit the first time you buy, and then you bring a bottle back every time you buy more, avoiding the additional deposits. Eventually you get your $2 back, if you ever decide to go another route. Reuse trumps recycling in this case, and it is all pastured cow's milk. They also offer an organic line. It's called Trickling Springs, if you want to look for it in your area.

