Thursday, July 31, 2008

if its Thursday, it must be long run day!

I had a long run this morning

It was raining lightly when I started, and the rain felt like sweet summer rain

Then it stopped and I felt like I was breathing through a wet towel over my face

I tried to sing songs from the Kooks cd I’ve been listening to lately (which I love!), but I’d just sing the same lines over and over, because my brain couldn’t work to make it through a whole song.

I smiled when I passed a deer lying in the grass, their eyes glowing in the faint street light. I always think they are beautiful creatures. I wonder what he thought of me – that crazy woman!

I wondered if the worms I stepped on felt any pain. I thought back to high school biology class, and dissecting worms, and I think, ‘no, they probably didn’t feel any pain’. Sorry wormies!

I had to stop twice for a potty break! Why does my body not cooperate on these long runs – oh wait, maybe its that 4:45am wake up call! What do I expect!

This run, I carried sharkies instead of gel, just to try something different. They are ok. Stick to your teeth, and you try to chew and it takes like 5 minutes to get it down your throat. But they sit ok in the stomach.

I had to run past road construction, and even at 6:20am they were working, always a treat to run past a bunch of me when you’re half naked (shorts and running bra). I just spit and blow snot from my nose as I go by to make sure they know I’m a tough girl, not a prissy one.

The last 30 minutes hurt. A lot. I kept wondering if these long runs will feel better as the weeks go on. I sure hope so!

So happy to get home. I walk in the house, and both dogs can’t stop licking the sweat from my legs. I drank a tall cold glass of chocolate milk, sitting with my hamstrings on cold packs, and poured a few dribbles of the milk on the patio for Daisy to lick up and then gave the rest in the cup to Sam to clean up. They were happy dogs! I was a happy girl. I was done running!!!! Oh yeah, next is the little thing called work. 8 hours sitting on my butt, I know I’ll feel awful by the end of 8hours of that. Better take some advil.

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