Thursday, July 30, 2009

new shoes!

Every girl loves new shoes, and I just got some! Check out my new Avi Stoltz trail running (racing) shoes, designed by Conrad Stoltz and made by Avia. They hit dirt for the first time this morning, and I LOVE them! LOVE LOVE LOVE them. So light weight (especially compared to my other klunky addidas trail shoes), and they fit perfectly, and they are awesome colors. These shoes are just plain awesome. Can't wait to run again (on the trails)!


Sherry said...

Ooohhhh.... very nice indeed! Lightweight trail shoes = almost sounds like an oxymoron. LOL! Glad to know that they're out there.

I would loooove to get my hands on an Avia race kit. There's just something about that skull/crossbones + bright orange... You should contact them, Cheryl! You are a total XTerra rockstar! You NEED that race kit! :o)

Angela said...

Those look SO SWEET!

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVELY new shoes! I LOVE new shoes too and any kind! :)