Saturday, May 9, 2009

Limestone sculptures & lots of green

We've had a lot of rain and wind the past month. But this morning, my ride had only clouds and lots of wind, no rain! The rain has made it so green here, as I'm riding up a hill in the state forest:

On Low Gap road, there is a sculpture who has acres of property where he displays his limestone sculptures. Since I had my camera, I decided to stop and snap a few photos. This one looks like he carved Mayan hieroglyphics into the stone (click on the photo to see more detail on the sculptures):

and a few others that are close to the road that I liked.


Sherry said...

It is simply beautiful where you live. I love when a tree canopy converges overtop of a road... allowing just a wee bit of sunlight through. Sooooo pretty! I miss that! We don't get much of that down here in FL.

Jennifer Cunnane said...

AWWWwwww you are showing photos of my fav town - Bloomington! Love the photos - sounds like the bike ride was great.