Sunday, May 3, 2009

book review: Force of Nature... mind, body, soul, and of course, surfing... Laird Hamilton

I picked up this book at the library, knowing just a bit about big wave rider, Laird Hamiltion, I thought it would be interesting to see what makes this guy tick.

Opening the book, the quote he chose to be on the first page is:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

... quote is from Mark Twain.

what a great quote. The book talks about what drives Laird to be, possibly, one of the best all around athletes in the world, and the best person he can be. He is a big risk taker, and sees no reason to not experience everything in life. Fear is not to be a deterrent in trying, it should be respected, and used to channel your energy into success. He has no fear of trying new things, being a beginner at anything. Being a beginner may result in failure, but failure is just a stepping stone to learning. He uses his mind to make his body be capable of doing things most people would not dream of trying. And he thinks most people think their bodies cannot endure as much pain as they actually can. Most of us don't learn to push ourselves to what we are truly capable. As much as he works on making a stronger mind, he works on making a stronger body, one capable of allowing him to be more successful. Some interesting things he does from a physical workout routine, is a lot of barefoot walking. This strengthens all the tiny muscles and tendons in the feet, and while this seems easy when you live in Hawaii, it makes sense, and I will try to do more of it this summer. He also does a lot of upper body work while standing on the bosu ball (flat side up), so his core is completely engaged and being worked to be stronger for any activity you might try.

Lots of other interesting ideas in the book, from specific exercises, both physical and mental, food, recipes, and even tips on becoming a surfer (which is only a part of the amazing athlete that he is, albeit, the sport that made him world champ!). And lots of awesome photos.

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