Monday, December 22, 2008

book review - Three Cups of Tea

This book was finally available from my local library. I read it over this past week. This is now one of my favorite nonfiction books (Jimmy Carter's childhood biography being another top of my list nonfiction books). Anywyas, 'Three Cups of Tea' tells the true story of Greg Mortensen's committment to building schools (mainly for girls) in Pakistan and Afghanistan. His belief is that providing education to this impoverished country would do more for improving relations and stopping terrorism than (failing) govt diplomacy. Its an amazing story. The selflessness, all the things and time he gave up in his life for these chidren. You can't read his story and not be moved to want to do more for people less fortunate than you.

1 comment:

Maggs said...

I love that book. I read it a while ago and recommend it to everyone. Happ Holidays.