Saturday, November 29, 2008

my tire has an alien baby growing in it

So, yesterday morning I go out to load my mountain bike onto the rack to check out the new trails at Versailles State Park and I find my tire has an alien inside! How the heck does that happen! So I got to try my first UST tubeless tire change, sans air compressor. Amazingly I got the old tire off with just little fighting, and the new one on in just a minute and the floor pump filled it right up! woohoo. I expected a 30 minute ordeal of fussing and crying, and giving up. But I did it. And we had a fabulous ride, the trails are sweet!


Angela said...

You should contact the manufacturer. I would bet you'll get a free tire out of the deal!

swimfin said...

I hate the flat tire as you are about to leave, but I've never seen one like this!